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Views on signalling, network monitoring and technology

Entries in this blog

Single Path Signalling Technologies

Single path signaling solutions This blog aims to outline the options for single path signaling. To avoid continuous repetition of “network polling, alarms, UDL, diagnostics etc this document will refer to these features as “ATS functions”. Network polling is the transmission of data between a transmitter located at the protected premises and the alarm receiving centre for the purposes of identifying the loss of an end to end route over the network. Alarms are events generated by either pin/



Extended Format Alarms And Their Benefits

The technology used to transmit alarm and UDL data from premises to ARC and installer is becoming ever more powerful. In this series of blog's we aim to provide you with unbiased information on subjects such as SIA transmission (this edition), standards and how the advance of communications technology will continue to benefit all stakeholders in security. In our business we love technology, but you won't hear from us "you can't do this" or "you shouldn't use x technology". There are horses for



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