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Where Are We Going In The Security Industry

I was having a conversation yesterday, about the future of the security industry etc. It seems IMO we have become a little stuck in our ways to the point of being massivly behind the times. We (well i do) moan that we were once seen as a skilled and specialist industry and this isnt really the case anymore. ie what was the last revolutionary product we had. id say that fogging is coming more to the fore, but this isnt really new more an evolution of an existing idea. Where are we going? is it



I&has Systems Calling The Police Without A Urn

Its been a while since my last blog. My last blog was on direction and position for us as an industry and those involved in it. Nothing has changed imo from that entry. Today id like to talk about more basic things. Things we do day to day, regulations we operate under etc. On the approved side we have various rules and regulations we must all operate within. If we risk asses a site as needing, or we are requested to design a system that requires a police response then we do. Currently if a



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