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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/08/15 in all areas

  1. Not equivalent but better would be you changing over to a Texecom elite 24. Having read most of your posts the elite will do everything you want and more in its sleep. Plus you get a nice pc software for you to pay with until your heart's content. PS. the WiFi module for it is also what you want.
    1 point
  2. No, only Android. Really simple though, so wouldn't take much to put together for the iPhone. Note that the postcode doesn't really offer much as it's a known constant for any premises. Since you're having to give the patrol a seed value, you may as well give them a unique code for the site and leave the postcode part out. The app doesn't offer any level of security in the equation. It would be better if it were a password that the security patrol were given as their constant. The password + seed would then provide the code. That way, the seed values and passwords are of no use to the holding parties unless combined. If your patrol password becomes compromised, you generate a new one and the seed changes accordingly.
    1 point
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