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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/05/16 in all areas

  1. .... And throw away the key but on bright side wife will get to claim all the benefits going
    1 point
  2. One of the big attractions of Protean was the way it syncs - it works perfectly offline, syncs when it can, and provides real time info at the office end to sync status for each job - so you know who's seen what and - crucially - when they saw it. Can't remember exactly how AM did it but from memory was less effective than Protean when we looked in to it. Now forgive me for the detail here as I'm straying into territory I know very little about (what's new!), but as I understand it from my IT geek, most of the online (servicem8 type) browser-based apps use the 'LocalStorage' browser cache (limited to 2Mb on Android and 5Mb on Apple). Lots of these companies prefer to go Apple-only because they can use non-standard methods for local data storage and test/guarantee they'll work (limited range of devices to check) - whereas with Android there are an unlimited array of devices to worry about compatibility with so they're stuck with established proscribed methods and all their limitations. Protean built their own sync system from the ground up in their own app - which had my IT guy murmuring with appreciation (strange what gets them excited) - and it avoid all of this. It is apparently a tricky thing to do, but they have pulled it off totally. Matt
    1 point
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