As a seller, I can't totally agree with you. The sellers has problems indeed, but buyers are partly responsible for it too.
In my experience, some buyers just come to China to buy cheap price product. The only question they ask about my product is the price. Although I told them the expensive model lasts long, they still choose to try the cheap model. Because their value is nothing other than knowing the price gap, they don't even want to learn about the product and test it.
Some buyers told me they came to buy good product, but they compare the price with the cheapest. I agree Hikvision, Dahua, Huawei, OPPO are all good, but they don't compete with price, except Hikvision. If you want to have good product, you have to pay the good price.
I just say this let you understand Chinese manufactures better. If you do want to get good product from China, stop comparing price with the cheap suppliers, you can get very good product if you only compare price with your domestic market. When you think you are smart enough to take advantage from bargain, the sellers will take advantage of this mind.