Why has this got complicated while I was away?
Sticking 5 wires in like for like terminals, close lid, watch standby LED's change to indicate lid closed correctly, ladders on van...
Grade 3 specification have extra requirements for higher risk sites.
The bells are also designed to work with other manufacturers kit, so extra tamper terminals are provided on Grade 3 boxes if you need trigger wire monitoring and all that jazz.
I can only assume you mean the "AUX TAMP", this will need to be closed if you are not using it for axillary equipment.
Tamper protection is an important part of alarm systems, linking any "bell tamper" that is used will stop the alarm triggering if the bell is attacked.
We're not that short of work. I've told them we're not interested in installing it. Funny thing was, I was on an SSAIB inspection in an adjacent industrial unit when their site electrician came over and asked me to install it. I've told him to do it himself or I can quote for a real system. Thanks for your input. Jim