My advice would be not to rush into getting CCTV the same as you rushed into getting a (terrible quality) alarm.
Yale are regarded as 'tat' by professional installers, and the likelyhood is as much that the 'jamming' (this can be caused by any emission at the same frequency as the alarm uses, and the alarm obviously
has no idea if it is intentional or accidental) was a nearby heating controller, spurious emission, or even one of it's own devices. It's likely you may never know the actual cause.
In 'real life' burglars don't bother with electronic countermeasures (even Hatton Garden appears to be a 'good old fashioned blag') they just smash their way in and get what they want.
The fact you have a shiny Yale lid (although they are, IMHO, and most others, terrible) is half the battle in persuading them to try the next house along, although some less addled thugs may see Yale
and think 'probably doesn't work, probably isn't set' as compared to a clean, branded lid that looks as if it's been properly installed and looked after.
All CCTV will do is confirm that the door swinging open and no TV you see with your own eyes, isn't just a bad dream, along with some pictures of men in trakky bottoms with ski masks on who left 6 hours previously.
And cheap / crap / rush installed CCTV will just confirm the above in appalling resolution (or not at all if it's night!).