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Showing content with the highest reputation on 26/05/17 in all areas

  1. Opinion? Surely tests are definitive? In an industry of self certification do we think the manufacturer specs are best to compare the loudness? AG6 110dB@1m Ody Single Piezo 109dB@1m CQR Multibox 115dB@1m Deltabell 104dB@1m These are likely to be peak values and consider the tone, frequency and mounting surface will make a difference to overall volume. Whatever flashing, glowing and noisy piece of plastic you put on the front of your building, it's likely to do it's job if wired correctly.
    1 point
  2. Not that I know but guessing System - engineer Tamper - engineer PA - manager Line Fail - user / manager / engineer on some Fault - depends on fault AC Fail - user Not that a house basher is affected much by it either
    -1 points
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