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Showing content with the highest reputation on 25/10/17 in all areas

  1. Went bump and started again using same name slightly Loads have do it around here.
    1 point
  2. Have to join the queue, I think bArrons still up to his nuts there.
    1 point
  3. As previously said didnt.move with the times and only total lunatic continues to service them or try to keep them going
    1 point
  4. Could you post a screen shot of the footage?
    1 point
  5. Ah, the often forgotten Midlands based version of the 4 Tops.
    1 point
  6. Well some people's idea of superb picture is different to others , so you could be right or could be far off
    1 point
  7. was flexible. But as they went bust it was too dear and didn't keep with the times
    1 point
  8. Bag and cat spring to mind though. Things might and should change. As an end user I'd be livid with the findings too. Having said that, I'm not an end user of said equipment and I'm not surprised with what CG has released.
    -1 points
  9. It has to be the manufacturer for allowing such inferior equipment to be released. Everyone else down the line has worked on trust.
    -1 points
  10. All things being equal yes, but this has to be different from now on in. It is only the beginning too where security is concerned if we go down the route of the ever popular automated equipment.
    -1 points
  11. The whole 3rd party monitoring malarkey, the automated heating hardware, again with its fate largely decided by someone else and how good their security is. Alarm apps, another risky minefield. All rather sexy but undoubtedly a bigger risk than without.
    -1 points
  12. What I use is irrelevant. What I don't use is all that matters to me. Let's hope Andrew can expose more insecure, shoddy security software peddlers to encourage/force them to clean up their act. Furthermore, it'd be good if self certification was made a thing of the past. I will be following with interest.
    -1 points
  13. Oh dear! It makes an utter mockery of monitored security, it really does.
    -1 points
  14. Yes, utter mockery as far as the more supposedly secure (G3) monitoring is concerned in the cases CG has exposed.
    -1 points
  15. When you have to revert to saying "even in its insecure state" as a reference to G3 security just highlights the state of the industry in some areas and the thinking therein.Maybe the companies could use it as a tagline.
    -1 points
  16. You're right, you don't, but you did. Not of any importance, Norman.
    -1 points
  17. An opinion you're entitled to. Indeed it may, Jim, but It doesn't alter the findings or my opinions on the very same. Not angry or defensive in the slightest. Why on earth you'd come to that conclusion is beyond me. I'm merely saying it as I see it because I don't have to pretend all is well in the world of security like some of you guys obviously are.
    -1 points
  18. See my response to Norman. Yes, yes you are what, Norman?
    -1 points
  19. I suppose if you can't manage a decent post on CG's findings something is better than nothing. His findings have no bearing on me whatsoever but I note them with interest, nothing more. When it comes to security I'm an end user so evaluating the information is important should I go a particular route. However, the results haven't come as a total surprise, the level of incompetence on the other hand has though.
    -1 points
  20. Seriously, shouldn't you guys be asking about CG's findings rather than trying to play Give us a Clue with me?
    -1 points
  21. Peter, the lack of any real input from installers on here has been noted and not just by myself. One point of CG's findings is that serious vulnerabilities can't be patched in some cases so keeping one step ahead of threats isn't going to happen. You may well have been in the industry since Noah but we are in 2015 now and facing a different kind of threat from, in some cases, kids younger than your favourite pair of socks who have more technical knowledge than most, if not all, any old school installer on how these things tick. You talk like a bigger cost option is definitely more secure than a cheaper device but maybe CG has more to come to dispel that belief.Grade 3 security aside who wants their automation equipment being messed with as is happening now with things like central heating being turned up at daft hours by a hacker? Expecting proper secure coding isn't much to ask is it?
    -1 points
  22. Just like every village has one, a forum does too and it is never that long before they appear.
    -1 points
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