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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/07/19 in all areas

  1. Bugger me I'm getting old When I first discovered t'interwebs a username containing 'red dwarf' usually denoted a spotty 15 year old herbert now its the mark of a penniless pensioner but seriously, no really, I agree - replacing with battery devices is a backwards step. Even nest ones as they are designed to be binned in ten years, they simply refuse to work past their tenth anniversary. If you think you have the skills to reprog the unit, which you may have, or not, who knows, whats stopping you replacing the smokes? You'll actually find 12v smoke detectors CHEAPER than decent quality mains+battery Aicos for a start, and the wiring and panel area already in place, so...
    2 points
  2. Speed.... is the problem, this morning I reordered last Friday's SW order from ESD In the afternoon I get the SW shipping email....
    2 points
  3. 1 point
  4. Why remove them if they work? Surely it would be more sensible to replace them if you need. Alarm company are unlikely to be impressed if you remove stuff, you also risk the possibly of having no alarm at all if you can't remove them correctly. RE call out would be 1-2 hours work I imagine.
    1 point
  5. Hi i want to remove the 8 smoke alarms I have wire to the system, they are long out of date and want to replace them with standalone smoke alarms. i will need to disconnect them from the alarm panel and most likely from the program via the keypad. i have the engineer code, wonder if it’s obvious where the smoke alarm connections would be as a starting point. thanks PS the alarm manual says the smoke detectors at zones 12-16 inclusive
    0 points
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