Yes, an E080, but buy an E080-08 or an E080-10. The older models have a bug that allows a syn-flood to crash the panel. The E080-4 and A083-00-01 modules use an obsolete Texas Instruments CPU that has a burnout problem. You'll get an old used E080-4 on Ebay for around £30, but it may not last for long before it dies.
The E080-08 and E080-10 are based on a new CPU design that doesn't have any of those issues.
More around £30 to £40 now. I've had a few come to me to buy the -08 / -10 after their -04 eBay purchase has failed after a few months. Too late for any comeback on eBay, so they just accept the lesson learned and part with the money to get their system working again.
Yes, some network misconfiguration can also crash the panel (I've had a couple of customers who have experienced that), but low risk compared to the CPU going pop. The board is scrap once this happens. If you have an older module and it works, then it may keep doing so. The longer they lie on the shelf without power makes it more likely to fail.
I wouldn't sell the older boards now, as they're just a headache.