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6 points
well I guess that's me on the naughty step - If you want to be an alarm man get a job with an alarm company. You not going to get any much experience buying tat from ebay, reading books or asking on an alarm themed forum5 points
yes if you have posted your serial no for your bell box we could have located it on the internet, selected abba on your alexa & turn the central heating up to maximum...5 points
My last post on this forum was nearly 5 years ago. I have came out of retirement to tell you this... I down-voted your last post.5 points
5 points
there ain't none, however there are a set of big boys rules.... when taking other peoples tat over you either have to the product knowledge of how to over come any lock or quirks of the product or have enough £ in the job to put your own stuff in from either the start or retain the subscriber for enough years to make it pay.. confiture demain, as you might say ? Sadly a few hundred quid for new control can be a problem as the subscribers can be living had to month with the latest I-Phones, Range Rovers & shirt sponsoring the local professional sports team... taking priority4 points
I'd give 'em a new system provide they have maintenance & out the yale tat on ebay or in the bin if don't sell...4 points
If your looking for a security forum with no pisstaking.... you've made the wrong choice You'll need an eng code to make programming changes to your system, a 1/2 decent alarm monkey could probably move all your devices about with just a customer code4 points
you do chat shit.... ADT employ the very best & sometimes the very worst engineers, However there the market leading co. why don't you try & get a job there & get some real world experience of alarms ?4 points
I don`t think, £13 a month for an annual inspection, 24 hour support, and use of a Smartphone APP is not bad value for money, technicians have to be trained, which be available 24 x 7, if self employed they also have to pay for life`s little things, food, fuel, Public Liability Insurance, fund there own training time, none of which is paid etc etc. funny how people accept paying say for a Private Dentist, Doctor, Solicitor etc, but fail to realise the vast amount of knowledge a professional installer has to collect from experience. To be fair, we use bundles of Agility 3, but really there is little money in the initial sale, for us, maintenance is where we make our money to provide on going technical support, technicians and all the other things we need to pay. For example today we are having our Upgrade NSI inspection from NSI for ISO 9001:2015, so I`m paying £450 per day for NSI & £440 per day for our Contract Quality Assurance Consultant, all paid by maintenance contributions, and all to retain our Gold Status, end of.4 points
Oh dear "Jock McTightSporran" is asking a forum which mainly populated alarm monkeys why their employed. What goes wrong with your simple house alarm? Well there will be at least 2 battery's which don't last forever, reed contacts which will eventually fail (open or closed) or cause false alarm.... same for the relays within powered sensors Checking a bells only system annually as per BS/EN ensures they work correctly (think MOT) if you where a paying subscriber you could have your system in working order rather spending your spare time hunting down a manual for the old tat of an alarm on your wall. However you pays your money & make your choice, Power down the "skip fodder" of an alarm system & restart it on mains power only, with all tamper & lids close it made take you code If not buy something like a veritas 8 & new battery & have a bash at sort it Or find a local alarm co. (proper ones might only do the work if their maintaining it) & ask for cost of them updating the system4 points
If it is so simple why are you talking about wiring normally closed detectors in parallel or dualtechs for detecting bricks? My question was because your initial few posts seemed like you were a sparky who had bitten off more than you can chew on a clients job. Happy bodging.4 points
Exactly Norman, hence why I am asking the question on a professional security forum. Haven't fitted many myself but thought I would seek advice. Nothing worse than fitting ***** that you keep getting called back for.4 points
All master blasters must be fitted directly above the keypad for use on bell tests4 points
Not wishing to get into the debate but 'Proper' gear needs to comply with the product standard (not the install) and part of that is testing the battery OK Most if not all panel will dip the supply and measure the voltage as a means to do this check. ie also all the 12v peripherals should be able (if compliant) to handle this ripple voltage. I dont know texecom gear well or at all and not sure if the network errors are a log tool or just log 'noise'. Either way it shouldnt cause a problem in normal operation. If it is causing a problem (other than a disganostic log) then something is wrong.3 points
3 points
Just asking? More than just asking dude ...... You mean like special brew ? Your favourite?3 points
I don't like this attitude, condescending to rule out everybody else's opinion as childish because it doesn't align with your opinions. Maybe your not but it comes across that way. Remember most trade contributors have decades of experience screwing boxes of electronics to walls with some effort of providing security and detection. If this is the type of answer you are looking for then it's a different topic of conversation about the industry as a whole, it's a massive bag of worms difficult to put in one post... You contradict yourself in the same post, your not in the industry but they replied to your support ticket. I'm not surprised BTW. I don't think any company can truly ignore a request for support it just looks bad, this is where they have to strike some balance and were installers would prefer they at least had priority. It's always been the same anyone can get hold of any kit, I don't feel you can withhold basic support in this instance. Just like with any other products not in the industry. The issue is you can't teach someone how to fit a "pro" alarm system via a support ticket or a forum, engineers have had years of training or apprenticeships to understand how it all fits together and apply it. This is were prosumer or DIY falls apart IMO, it's not just about the product it's about the knowledge and application of it. The "pro" gear has also had years of tweaks, specifically for the UK market to make it adaptable for every installation and engineers are trained and get support on it. You can't condense years of installer knowledge on security into a prosumer product or make a DIY install manual. The grading thing your asking about is sort of irrelevant for this instance, you can only fit a graded system as a company. It's the whole fitted system that "becomes graded", the component parts of the system have to conform but the system is graded as a whole. So outside of the industry it means very little unless you understand what each grade means and have knowledge of each standard that parts correspond to. We also have different variations on top of the EN standard in the UK too, we refer back to BS4743 and then we have BS8243 as some examples. The other points Al alluded to is who tested the kit conformed? Has it had third party testing for the UK market? At best it's unproven along side established products. The UK market is very different and why I believe lot of this "tat" is pitched as prosumer/DIY were I could see a company fitting it in the rest of the EU. It's also pointless to try and break into a market that has plenty of options with a new product that does similar to what your engineers are trained on. Also any product could claim it's two way but only have one component two way (cough, powermax tat) this is where marketing comes in. Unless you understand how this type of kit functions in a activation, what the spec sheet or marketing says means very little.3 points
dont know it but even the micromax has an input. Id assume it was wired wrong. Once met someone that thought wiring the breakglass to the rte was better than breaking the power as it allowed for programming!!!3 points
Frankie and Bennies urggh never tell them its your birthday unless you like Cliff Richard. I was in there for a quiet meal one evening with the missus unfortunately I picked a day that about 20 people had their birthday and they all decided to go to F&B to celebrate. Every 5 fooking minutes they played congratulations and came out with a cake with a sparkler in it. I wouldnt mind but cliff was played much louder than the ambient music which made me jump every fooking time it came on. Foods not that great for the money either3 points
3 points
From past experience I'd expect pricing within a month of model no. & the item by the time it takes slow boat to arrive from china. However, its rather different circumstances at the moment... Even when stock is meant to be the country ordering & taking delivery are 2 different thing's3 points
I am glad you found the forum useful, forums are generally for discussion on topics which you were a part of over your 10 posts. Multiple people in the trade answered your initial question within 1 hour during the weekend, which you would do well to find anywhere else. If you would like some over-opinionated social media bull, lecturing, false information or useless memes, feel free to ask your questions on twitter or facebook in the future.3 points
rip it out & stamp on it? its 1 way radio, wait for the device to sleep then wake the transmitter with a 12hr alarm or view the device strengh3 points
Well that's probably killed off people sending you stuff3 points
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I think you need to explain your circumstances when asking randoms for their old junk3 points
3 points
Just sharing this little resource with you, I find it very helpful (Scroll Down) http://www.intercomsrus.com/intercom_handset_finder_tool.htm3 points
so far I have watched 15min of the fuck witted porridge wog fit a data cabinet like a 1st week YTS...# Again my life is too short for this....3 points
I didn't say I had £2k in my wallet I just said it would fit, as opposed to your idea of £2k filling a suitcase which it wouldnt (unless it was a very small suitcase) Your the only numb nut round here that's compensating for the lack of something.3 points
Probably for the best, otherwise you may end up like DD...3 points
Oh I don't know about that, I've seen Al Yeti logged in in the early hours...3 points
I would take the view if you have the means to buy a property which is big enough to have power supplies & zone expanders, you should have budgeted for an alarm man. Reaching for my big book of stereotypes... your from the Clan McSkinflint As a guess I would assume the Keypad in not communicating with the controls, Personally I would start by removing a keypad off the wall, connecting it direct to the controls via short bit of wire with nothing else power up or connected to the panels data network & see if you can get control of the panel, then add device one at a time until everything is back on Just remember the alarm may well have been faulty before the property was void.... good luck3 points
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So not just changing batteries then?3 points
I think the above is where you went wrong Ray. If you go back prior to this statement most people giving up their free time to help you were quite willing. Think about the above statement, you come to a website full of people making a living out of security and make out that a 10 year old with chock block tourrettes could do their job. What sort of reaction did you think that would provoke?? Its a bit like us saying anyone can run a Cafe but it would seem not, looking at your reviews. Your alarm system is very poorly installed but I suspect that you didnt really do any homework before your purchase like check reviews or see if they were approved, at least if you had chosen an approved co you could complain to the Worshipful Company of Security Installers and Brethren Of Domotics (Plymouth Chapter). Someone has probably already mentioned this, but changing the detectors to dualtechs will not detect bricks btw, bricks are not burglars. The alarm going off after the window was smashed would not have made any difference either. The window would still be broken and the unhappy customer would still have run away long before anyone noticed.3 points
I suspect- The kids used to hand around the building before its was gentrified into a cafe, & the kids have been told to "F off" with the same sort of "customer service" mentioned on trip advisor, hence low flying bricks Should Raymondo be viewing - you security film the windows/ graphic the windows which keeps broken glass together, get a security co. to visit after hrs. Go to proper alarm co. & ask them to remove the ade pirs & black painted ventcroft, you want a proper graded system with proper signalling & a Merseyside Police URN. Don't mention you paid a grand for the old alarm as they may laugh their cocks off...3 points
Your controls are a bag of shit which don't meet any std, blunt but true...3 points
Hikvision are manufacturing in the 3rd world I've been to Rotherham & seen the factory3 points
More people want sky than an alarm,more people will pay 100 a month for sky and moan at 100 a year for an alarm etc etc3 points
You'd be better installing something that's not tat or likely to cause you revisits and generates recurring revenue. Customers have no idea what they want.3 points
As a beginner you need to understand that this is a professional security forum, as such posting engineering codes in the public area or any other area for that matter is not permitted, why I hear you ask? Well when you are supplying security on a professional basis you leave yourself wide open if someone posts your engineering codes for all to view on a public website. Your customers would not like it if someone posted your engineer codes, and its the same for anyone else. Its not done. Any professional security installer would not need to ask for other companies engineers code, as any professional company would default the system and re program it, it is the only way you know that the system is programmed correctly. Only lazy unprofessional numpties ask for other companies engineer codes, try and remember that and maybe you will get past the beginner stage.3 points
Quite often burglars are drug users. The purpose of a strobe is if the burglar has dropped an e recently and they see a strobe light they will stop what they are doing and start dancing like a loon. The strobe can keep them dancing for up to 12 hours, which is almost long enough for police to attend and catch them. If they can be bothered.3 points
None of us are pretending anything, there has been and all ways will be ways around security systems, so long as the kit is one step ahead of the type of burglar expected then whats to worry about? I understand that there are vulnerabilities with some of the signalling options available, but I also understand the risk and anyone with any real intelligence are unlikely to want to risk their freedom for low value. On the other hand if something is worth protecting then its worth protecting properly that means understanding the risk. I have been in this industry for over 25 years now and I cant think of a burglary where any real technical intelligence has been used. Though I have seen many clever burglaries in my time3 points