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  1. Agreed, we were quite conservative with the www with our two kids, both of them were avid readers and not really into gaming etc. No phones until they were at high school, James had an ipod thing but even that was closely monitored by us. Both were taught about the obvious dangers of the www. I remember looking thorough Jamess search history and he'd been searching for boobs. He was about 12 at the time and was mortified when I spoke to him about it lol. If it was up to me I'd also restrict under 16s and think it's a cesspit for bullying, at least when I went to school the bullying stopped at 3pm.
    3 points
  2. Not wishing to get into the debate but 'Proper' gear needs to comply with the product standard (not the install) and part of that is testing the battery OK Most if not all panel will dip the supply and measure the voltage as a means to do this check. ie also all the 12v peripherals should be able (if compliant) to handle this ripple voltage. I dont know texecom gear well or at all and not sure if the network errors are a log tool or just log 'noise'. Either way it shouldnt cause a problem in normal operation. If it is causing a problem (other than a disganostic log) then something is wrong.
    3 points
  3. So you've proven the wiring and that it's likely the programming... Yes, you should always default them from new.
    2 points
  4. This is a long shot , but is this possible?
    2 points
  5. demonic possession, contact your local priest ? Or the sensitivity on the keypad it too high, calibrate / adjust or replace ??
    2 points
  6. Here's a crazy idea.... why not power down your knacked alarm ?
    2 points
  7. If you don't want it then get it killed. If you do want it then find someone to. We have a boat load of people and pyronix are to blame for this who do want a security system but spend more at Costa.
    2 points
  8. nonce ban ? https://www.telegraph.co.uk/content/dam/news/2022/04/06/TELEMMGLPICT000058725877_trans_NvBQzQNjv4BqhZJ9vnP3TZj6dX4F0Tnhrlt1EhdK4aiwcWMQPYeW9P0.jpeg?imwidth=680 they'd laugh out loud....
    2 points
  9. I wouldn't of thought a bulb unless halogen would get hot enough quixh enough
    2 points
  10. id say your puttin gthe magnet to the wrong side of the contact and you have a grade 3 door contact
    2 points
  11. Sorry I disagree- I've never had any reason to use an oscilloscope on an intruder alarm nor do I need a £500+ multi meter (it would only get lost or broken out in alarm land) Aged 17 or so I knew something like a 9600 required a power supply to run all 16 zones & multiple keypads & speakers Who would have guessed more than 30 years later I'd still be having conversations with people who don't understand the basics principles, Suitable current in day & alarm, suitable voltage at each device when running off the battery, if you've not got this you'll have problems Your alarm appear to have lots of problems I've got lots of alarms with very few problems, its funny old world isn't it ?
    2 points
  12. Well you came asking for help and your disregarding what you are told by people that work with this stuff every day. I have told you how to rule this out and some things to check, there are further things that need ruling out but it's not normal. To expand on MrH above, as a rule of thumb I would expect each power supply to have <~500mA quiescent per 7Ah battery to conform to BS EN; this is aside to your issue.
    2 points
  13. Hopefully nobody noticed but there have been a few upgrades on tsi. Mainly aiming for speed improvement on mobile mainly if anyone has seen a speed increase.
    2 points
  14. Yes, they are also really hard to get hold of. You have to send a message in bottle...
    1 point
  15. Every fire years in an intruder alarm Every 4 years in a fire alarm Unless they fail earlier...
    1 point
  16. There is a normally closed output on the relay too....
    1 point
  17. Did you factory default the panel on initial power up?
    1 point
  18. Don't come back here after you have cocked up looking for free help and tell those people that do it everyday for a living they're wrong! You did actually say "Theres no need for a service, or calling an engineer" but you don't seem to understand why it needs servicing. If you want poor advice or copies of random copyrighted manuals from people that aren't trade verified, go and find some other forum...
    1 point
  19. This should always been changed leaving anything with default codes is a huge risk on a system designed to be secure. All systems need to be serviced or they will eventually fail, usually at 2am etc
    1 point
  20. Seems we all do/did them differently... Similar to 6 Under the washer like JW and only half round with the sheath left on but longer than the cores if that makes sense.
    1 point
  21. Unlike my only fans a/c this one's free- VID_20241108_182950361.mp4
    1 point
  22. Don't use them any more, more modern styles have PCB mounted sprung terminals and most things are wired FSL/EOL now. You should remove enough isolation from the conductors to do a half turn around the screw. Wrap the conductor with the 7 strands twisted up together, clockwise to make a half turn around the screw. The washer is to trap the reed conductors securely, I have always gone under the washer but I would imagine it's designed to be between.
    1 point
  23. I suppose I'd test it by running it on a lead to another location not fixed to the wall
    1 point
  24. Exorcizo te, creatura salis, per Deum vivum, per Deum verum, per Deum sanctum, per Deum
    1 point
  25. I would swap it, they will get exchange aswell Otherwise go see
    1 point
  26. Some of the keypads had touch sensitivity problems , these are all usually exchanged via the supplier , hkc can't tell you which ones are at fault , and over time the problem gets worse where they keypad starts pressing its own buttons as such If you bought without warranties unlikely you can exchange and will just have to hope it's just the Illumination bit
    1 point
  27. You can have the lights on all the time, or on proximity. I have an RKP on my landing I would have noticed if it kept illuminating. I wouldnt know if my other RKP's illuminated intermittently as the only time I go to them is when im coming or going .
    1 point
  28. Most external sirens are compatible with each other but using the same brand as the panel will mean the terminals are named the same and you may get better feature compatibility. Regarding PIR's they are the elements within the pyro. A quad has a better sensor and lens arrangement dividing the detection area into four elements that all need to trigger together. For a great explanation I always point to this video. Bear in mind it's only explaining a basic PIR not a Quad. You could buy sensors years ago with twin dual element pyro's side by side. So cheaper here then...
    1 point
  29. Basically took 20seconds once prepped
    1 point
  30. Bell on battery , but I am feeling nervous already
    1 point
  31. Although bell can be reconnected within a min or two of you skilled enough I would have let the old panel hand some how cut the plastic or something got the new back plates in and powered up may odd disconnect but it would have been quick 15min ringing you letting the kettle boil
    1 point
  32. Depends how it's all wired tho, if your going to take time you can disconnect and send power to it via a battery , otherwise as above I guess Keep windows and doors closed that way it doesn't bother you lol
    1 point
  33. if you remove the mains to the panel does this still occur. This will show if the 'noise' is coming in via the mains supply or another way
    1 point
  34. Some systems are mesh, as you have some wiring, receivers can likely be distributed throughout the system if it's really necessary. Pneumatic drills with decent bits fly through engineering brick or even concrete and rebar. I have yet to find a job that's not possible... Two sensors on a 6-core is possible via EOL wiring, which most systems are now. For control panels they mostly do the same stuff and every installer has there own preferred kit they have trained on, if your DIY'ing a one off it probably doesn't matter. Proper systems are not designed for installation by end users, so your not going to find reviews. You will possibly also struggle to get manufacturer support or manuals at all.
    1 point
  35. The Manual listed in the downloads don't download, IIRC the mercury abi had an lcd keypad 250 time & date log & was EOL 4k7 / 2k2 metal one might had a stu foorpint too... I'd rip it out & stamp on it as it will be 20+ years old
    1 point
  36. You can have them as dummy lights Don't mean it's always a deterrent tho
    1 point
  37. No need to think, read manual , get engineer to make changes for silent set
    1 point
  38. Just following up to confirm the alarm didn’t trigger again. The electrical fault has now been fixed and a guy from the alarm company checked the backup battery and it’s fine and didn’t need replaced. Thanks to all the friendly folk on here who give their time to help strangers on the internet (whichever part of these beautiful isles you happen to be from! ). It’s much appreciated.
    1 point
  39. OP, see many of these out & about.... your 9450 is about the same age
    1 point
  40. ...Have you seen the shooter, looks the typical American retard. Six fingers per hand, long very thinning hair, no teeth (or very little).
    1 point
  41. 1 point
  42. don't get involved in another one,.... When purchasing a house they or their solicitor should have the common sense to have the vendor declare the alarm working or not, ideally providing a service report dated within the last 12 month. Control, cable or device - Controls, does the controls have 12 volts on the aux supply ? (check fuse?) Device, does the device have 12 volts present to power it Cable, does the power cable have low ohms when made into pair. same for tamper & 12hr circuit. & high ohms between every other pair ? Why do I say don't get involved ? Who do you think there are going to ring on an evening or weekend when there alarm won't set, bleeps too much, does not bleep when it should bleep..... YOU Find a local proper alarm co. or tell the end user to find one
    1 point
  43. Leave password blank ?
    1 point
  44. For someone with all the kit and knowledge you seem to assume a lot, instead of diagnosing it. We may as well speak into the void at this point. Your repeating the same thing and clearly not reading or taking in what people are saying, your the one with the issue and looking for help...
    1 point
  45. News to me, the legal info is missing from each of the websites, google finds the info regardless This was only interesting bit of info for me- 4000 x £150 is £600k which is not a lot of money for running an arc ?? (yes cctv pays more, however something like a smartcom will pay less) I guess at - https://find-and-update.company-information.service.gov.uk/company/11798207
    1 point
  46. everything should be encrypted especially in security unless i missed the sarcasm?
    1 point
  47. There is always something else to do...
    1 point
  48. Hello I use to work for Maxim Alarms and use to install these systems they use to have a six volt battery in that bell cover and a piece of plastic capping coming down the wall to a toke lock in a box where we’re you would set they alarm
    1 point
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