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Alpat Systems

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Alpat Systems last won the day on June 11 2014

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About Alpat Systems

  • Birthday 15/09/1975

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  • Interests
    Motorsports, IT


  • Location
    Barnsley / Derby

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  1. We use https://www.videcon.co.uk/ as the alternative to HIK The majority of Councils / Government customers run there CCTV/Security projects under NEC3 contracts and CDM rules. They expect the security experts they have chosen, who would have been selected to go onto there procurement framework to be principal Designer/designer. Its extremely rare you will come across a government institute who would become design responsible.
  2. CCTV Sub contractors required All regions Install teams / service, small works engineers Must have experience of working in a retail environment CSCS, IPAF and references required Experience of IP and Analogue systems essential, including Pelco/BBV matrix, Samsung and HIK Please contact via PM, including regions covered, experience, day / callout and hourly rates. A non disclosure and non competitive agreement will need to be signed.
  3. Based on the M4 corridor in Berkshire if you still looking for subbies

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Alpat Systems

      Alpat Systems

      Hi Dell,


      Send me your contact details and we can have a chat.

      We work with several of the UK's largest retail chains, all well known household names on both install and service of CCTV systems.

      Typical systems range from 40- 150 analogue cameras on a Matrix, e.g Pelco, BBV, 360 Vision etc.

      Service calls are your average failed cameras/power supply etc. 





    3. Dell


      Hi Jeff


      My mobile is number is 07595424134, email southcentralsystems@yahoo.com. 



    4. Dell


      Hi Jeff


      Sorry email is southcentralsystems@yahoo.co.uk not .com



  4. bump.. Still looking for sub contractor UK wide.
  5. CCTV Sub contractors required All regions, 1st/2nd/commission, fault, maintenance Must have experience of working in a retail environment CSCS, IPAF and references required Experience of IP and Analogue systems essential, including Pelco/BBV matrix, Samsung and HIK Please contact via PM, including regions covered, experience, day / callout and hourly rates. A non disclosure and non competitive agreement will have to be signed.
  6. Description: Hikvision have implemented a plugin integration with Net2 using Paxton's Video Integration Platform. This allows Hikvision NVR's (Network Video Recorders) to be listed as a camera integration within Net2 and provides an easy configuration of the NVR details and camera detection. These cameras can be associated with individual doors to monitor access. Currently the system is only able to associate 1 camera per door. Net2 compatibility: v5.01 onwards Languages available: Most languages available How to buy: www.hikvision.com or email: support@hikvision.com Download Hikvision driver for Net2: ftp://Hik_Paxton:Paxton_Hik@ftp.hikvision.com Contact telephone: +86 571 8807 5998
  7. That's wrong Camera should fit "flush" with no gap Check it is the correct bracket for the camera, there's quite a few Examples of correct fitting:
  8. Due to the location of the site we were limited by the connections/speed available. Ideally we would have gone leased line, but BT quoted £300k to install fibre. and the permits required to dig was just getting silly. Luckily there where enough copper pairs left in the existing BT cable to go with a dual ADSL solution.
  9. Its a 3U Cisco blade: Router/Firewall Server Switch But in order to run all that: WAN Link (bonded ADSL) Internals of cabinet BT Router top Backup router, should the one in the Cisco blade fail
  10. That's delivery companies for you! Dropped them about 100m from the entrance in the carpark. There's over 250kg of weight there too
  11. and another one being prepared. and approx £100k worth of accompanying switches and routers
  12. Top image is, show the old Milestone server at the bottom as we prepared to move it onto the new virtual server. Bottom image is it moved into new sound/dust proof cabinet
  13. VMWare management using VSphere (desktop client) is simple. On each Virtual server you can set max/min CPU, memory, LAN usage. So for CCTV we priorities LAN bandwidth, but not processor and memory. Its so easy to monitor everything through one client. Typical VMWare setup: ESX server host Virtual Centre Server Virtual Infrastructure (VI) client Web Browser License Server Database
  14. We did briefly look at oracle VB, but the lack of support was an issue. Obviously cost wise VB wins hands down. VB is great for desktop virtualisation, VMWare for enterprise solutions VMWare also does quite a lot more, and is considerably quicker From what I remember the main issue for us with VB was controlling hardware ports through each virtualised server
  15. Another vote for Milestone + Dell Server We've recently created a Cisco blade "security" server with router/firewall, VMWare with servers for Milestone CCTV, Paxton Net2 for access. Nice one "box" solution
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