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    Systems Engineer for Cisco Systems.

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  1. Looks like there have may been some problems on the Scantronic site yesterday. I was having real problems registering the panel to the cloud, couldn't resolve cloud DNS names etc. This morning, super fast response, registered panel to my cloud account first time. App users all added.
  2. Just following up on this for anyone. It was definately the old Version 1 keypad not being compatible. I just cabled up a new generation keypad to it and it worked first time.
  3. Hi there, Looking to upgrade my i-on30R to the latest v7 software, but no matter how I put the upgrade files on the SD Card, the panel keeps saying, No upgrade files ? Any advice on exactly how I put the files on the SD Card ?? Do I just put the zip file right on the sdcard ? Do I extract it and leave the top level v7.0.2 directory, or do I put the INSTALL directory on it ? SD Card is formatted as FAT32 also. Thanks,Roy.
  4. Ok I give up. I have a scantronic account and am reinstalling an i-on30R. It is running an old v5.02.19 software. I've got the new v 7 code downloaded, but it doesn't seem to find it on a SD card. I can't for the life of me find where in the support page the downloader software link is. Any tips ? Not asking for the software, just where on the web site they've hid it. Thanks, Roy
  5. The i-on30R engineering manual says that it is compatible with the i-kp01 ( firmware version 2.0 or above ) and the V1 i-kp01 uses jumpers to set it's bus address. So, I'm guessing that the A, Tick option does not work on it and so it cannot be learned by the panel. I know the i-on30R is not current, but it can still get upgraded to the latest V7 firmware and connect to SecureConnect on wifi.
  6. Hi there, In the process of swapping out a first gen i-on16 with a modern i-30R. It currently has a Version 1 i-kp01 keypad connected to it. When powering up the kep pad is saying Press addr buttons on wired keypads. I'm holding A and Tick down but it is not working. Do you think this will be due to it being a version 1 keypad and it expecting to hardwire onto the bus ? Thanks, Roy
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