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norman last won the day on March 3

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  1. Did they put on the red light?
  2. Sounds like a rubbish Marley tribute.
  3. Did you factory default the panel on initial power up?
  4. Hello and welcome, apply for trade status, there's lots more bile over that side.
  5. Hello and welcome, I remember the large YEB shop on Wood Street in wfd. and their offices on Denby Dale Road.
  6. I'd buy tickets to watch the bellends get a good pasting, especially Nigel Dicks. lol
  7. The timer and rest of the bomb
  8. Brought up with blue and white as a subby to modern sadly
  9. Seems we all do/did them differently... Similar to 6 Under the washer like JW and only half round with the sheath left on but longer than the cores if that makes sense.
  10. Afternoon and welcome
  11. norman

    Alarm help

    Easier straight onto a plate and into the microwave, microwavable plate of course.
  12. Yeah, I get where you're coming from.
  13. Wealth has zero relevance imo, although I get the richer ones are more likely to be protected perhaps. A paedo is a paedo in my opinion and as a father I'd not lose a minutes sleep if they were euthanized on proven guilty. There's no place for them in any modern society and the one thing we should protect are those who can't protect themselves.
  14. Agreed, we were quite conservative with the www with our two kids, both of them were avid readers and not really into gaming etc. No phones until they were at high school, James had an ipod thing but even that was closely monitored by us. Both were taught about the obvious dangers of the www. I remember looking thorough Jamess search history and he'd been searching for boobs. He was about 12 at the time and was mortified when I spoke to him about it lol. If it was up to me I'd also restrict under 16s and think it's a cesspit for bullying, at least when I went to school the bullying stopped at 3pm.
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