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Everything posted by norman

  1. Do you cover South Yorkshire?
  2. Good info but I doubt the insurer will accept a printed nerd forum post.
  3. http://www.amazon.co.uk/Ek-123625-Cat-****-Anti-Fog/dp/B002ZNA488 Not to be confused with...
  4. Hi Rana, your maintainer will be able to confirm this for you.
  5. Need some WAH training, where's your harness...
  6. Hi Marc, possibly more likely to get some answers in the trade side, if you are trade apply and there's another world within the forum.
  7. You should look at it, possibly more fruitful than you are doing at the mo..
  8. Lots of parking cranks too, I still have the letters.
  9. £85 for a Sunday call out, wow, no wonder you are busy.
  10. Flowers or alarms? Get some more staff.
  11. Let it go DD, you were in the way, they moved you.
  12. just because I tighten your nuts? Neon
  13. We have a nexus 10, great imo.
  14. I know, I was trying to work it out, and no, for my gimp mask to be mouldy it would suggest it's un-used...
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