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Everything posted by norman

  1. Because your wife doesn't know where the insurance paperwork is?
  2. All this talk of redundancy, what happens when your heart pops?
  3. Agreed with the small co scenario, but Matthew openly says he's spent 1 million squid... so I'd'd be pretty pissed if I was still tied to the phone and had never been on a family holiday, after all remind me why we work again?
  4. Exactly, people think they are indispensable, but the more available you are the more availability people expect, manage their expectations from the start imo
  5. All down to priorities I suppose. What do you do when you are away on holiday?
  6. Because I have a life outside work where my family comes 1st.
  7. Yes, programed only to push between 08:00 and 17:00 Eta. And when it does push I have notifications turned off.
  8. I probably take 5-10 calls per year after 5pm, not worked a weekend in over 7 years and spend them with the family mainly. You can keep your self employment... Your kids will remember the time spent with them, not the amount of cash.
  9. I'd have a look at the external warning device.
  10. Get Brough to ask ox, he's up to the nuts in him.
  11. No need it's scientifically proven ... However you could try a grapefruit in your mouth and a Lidl bag on your head.
  12. You do know you can't die from holding your own breath don't you? Sheesh.
  13. Did he also ask for some water for his horse outside?
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