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Everything posted by norman

  1. Is this the first time you two have had a 'Battle of the stiffies' ?
  2. Only thing I can remember finding was some porn above a cu that the Mrs was not happy about, and some stashed booty (camcorder) in a pub loft, the landlady said her brother had been up there and even said it was probably stolen.
  3. http://www.morewords.com/word/fapmsl/ erm, not that down.
  4. HI Gim, if you are trying to get your postcount up you may be better starting a new topic by introducing yourself in the following:- http://www.thesecurityinstaller.co.uk/community/index.php?app=forums&module=post&section=post&do=new_post&f=14
  5. I know and very difficult to judge without the full picture so to speak, but not a good means of access through a window. Again common sense needs to play a bigger part imo but balanced with risk and likely hood obv.
  6. I would genuinely say from my experience, yes, certainly nowadays. I think I would speak for all national and responsible co's when I say that's a big no-no, would you get paid if you fell or ssp, worth falling for a £200pa maint contract? ask your family see what they say.
  7. Working/driving tired is tant amount to being under the influence.
  8. Shouldn't be booking calls for you before 12 if you are on call prev night (I say shouldn't..) Then they are wrong and you need to look elsewhere for someone who values your wellbeing and safety, duty of care and all that.
  9. hour for hour recovery time after midnight, out for 3 hours (from leaving house to walking back in) start 3 hours later the following day.
  10. Lot of effort for little gain imo, anti codes are to manage resets, no one benefits in the long run by circumnavigating this.
  11. I've seen lots of ghosting on cctv.
  12. Works ok until someone quotes the blocked user, can also leave some conversations looking even more drug induced than normal.
  13. Have you been injecting the stuff into your eyeballs?
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