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Everything posted by norman

  1. I have 3 of these and find them great dual (12w & 18w iirc) chargers: https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B07FNWP1JV/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1
  2. Was that one of your homework assignments?
  3. 360 drivers/grab wagon drivers are on reasonable cash for similar
  4. Cumbria's a county, much like me saying East Sussex is a shithole because I once went to Uckfield.
  5. I'd suggest you do, there's nothing wrong with Cumbria, where abouts did you visit?
  6. Me neither, however it's through mini's I met the Mrs. Her sister had a convertible that her boyfriend (a friend of mine and now husband) made from scratch and I rewired it and first met the wife over a brew and ham sarnie and she never looked back. We also had it for 9 months whilst they travelled around the world back in the 90's. The mini was proper mint and they used to go to shows in it and won a few trophy's. An uncle bought a new 1275GT back in the day which was nice but I still don't like them
  7. Yeah, I watch the first one, for southener he's a likeable guy.
  8. I like Harry's Garage, I watch shit loads lately inc Jay Emm (annoying fuck) but he does some big barges and the likes of Calvin's car diaries, Arthur Tussik (a must watch!) and salvage rebuilds UK
  9. Talking about aesthetics only here though not functionality etc. so will be more subjective.
  10. Galaxy have always been behind the curve with aesthetics imo, the mk7 is my preferred one, the mk8 looks gash for a modern day bit of kit. 9600 was awesome by comparison but the recent Texe would be my choice.
  11. Yeah, I write left handed (cack handed) but my right hand is my leading hand in everything else, squash etc. Not sure why I chose my left pocket but its been that way since I smashed the screen on my 6310 on the corner of a desk back in the day.
  12. Yup, my house/office key and work alarm fob are together with a USB back up thing, car key totally on its own, not even a fob. I hate lots of keys etc. Taking it a step further, phone always goes in my left front pocket on its own (screen against my leg) and car key on its own in the opposite. House/office keys are either hung up at home or on my desk at work. Been the same for years. Bit ocd but hey ho.
  13. I don't condone leaving doors unlocked in fact my mother has only been locking her door for the past 5 years or so, ever since someone came into her kitchen whilst she was out shopping and stole the bread bin, I kid you not.
  14. I never lock the door where they are kept, the house door gets locked now but no where else as I don't see the point/need. Sub metering water supplies is very common for thus very reason.
  15. Same, both sets are left in the cloak cupboard by he front door, which to be fair we've only been locking for the past couple of years (yeah yeah I know). The Mrs still often leaves her car unlocked, in the 12 years we've been here I've only heard of one opportunist taking a sat nav from a neighbours unlocked vehicle. Were a cul de sac off a cul de sac so to speak so it's too far off the beaten track for an opportunist and the neighbours all have far nicer cars then me so whilst there's are on the drive mine is relatively safe I reckon. There is an argument to leave them half way up the stairs in view, this means they are safe from some but those willing to come upstairs will get them before the shit hits the fan so to speak. Read about so many hard men and what they would do and whilst I'm no shrinking violet it's an insured asset and I have far more to lose then them so they can have it. eta, actually I did capture one incident on the CCTV, a neighbour was putting his trade waste in my bin when I put it out for collection.
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