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Everything posted by norman

  1. norman


    You two take it to another level, ya freaks
  2. norman


    There's a market for anything tbf, some real weirdos out there.
  3. Oh I agree ref training etc, but I thought it was all mains in the conduit?
  4. But ii read it correctly its mains right up to the back of it? So it's all mains in the conduit?
  5. It's all mains, what does he need to segregate?
  6. I know an ex colleague called Wayne King. That's not the worst bit, he was ginger!
  7. Oh yes it's easily circumnavigated, but it all depends on how far you want to audit, i.e. checking the site for the part supposedly installed etc. Tyco used to have an investigation dept that looked at things like theft and fraud.
  8. They could if they wanted, they could also audit parts as every part booked out (excluding consumables) has to be attributed to a contract number. In the grand scheme of things it's not seen as an issue.
  9. Apart from the ADT one will most likely be stolen, ironic really.
  10. My carbon monoxide detector kept activating and the noise was giving me a headache so I've taken the battery out.
  11. No, and in literary terms it's like a cheap Barnsley bird now. Well fingered.
  12. You may be better leaving the security and the doors unlocked....
  13. I've not had a personal phone since the 90's but do have expensive 'work' phones the latest costing c£800 and I've just ordered a TV for a similar amount, have a look around your home and as most I'm sure it won't take long to tally up a fair few K. The main thing I chose to protect is the family, having said that I guess the plus side of any break in would be the knowledge I'd saved a few hunred squid...
  14. For less than the cost of a mobile phone you are protecting your most valuable asset!
  15. Helps prevent a 'sticky' mag so yes, I would.
  16. Cheers, it's for the Mrs, she flosses all the time so I'll have to think of something else for her Christmas... Eta she's from a family who look like the Colgate family and neither her, her sister or father have a single filling (I think her mother has a couple)
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