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Everything posted by norman

  1. Tha moved t' Barnsley, pop rand I'll get't pan on t'ob forra brew.
  2. People rarely go to that much trouble, they will just kick a door in and be back out in <3 minutes. If you are concerned get a professional in to advise and sort it.
  3. Adrian's finally lost it and started calling people c*nts
  4. It's a plaggy receptacle so anything slightly larger will sit OK
  5. I guess that's what the wrangling was over...
  6. Accreditation bodies want you to pass, it means you earn them money, most I have come across (both SSAIB and Nsi) have been very helpful. Be open and honest with them, they are there to help. Oh, and good luck.
  7. Does the omit unit buzz when you turn the key? You may need a code for it also/or
  8. If anything this probably increases the value on the likes of eBay, they do use a slightly different freq, not locked but only compatible with like for like rx.
  9. You need a key for the zone omit unit above. Once you have it omit the zone (it will buzz) open the safe, close the safe and un-omit the zone.
  10. norman

    Master Tp:800

    They can rarely (note the caveat) be circumvented by a poisoned sausage...
  11. norman

    Master Tp:800

    You can't poison a working (note) alarm...
  12. norman

    Master Tp:800

    Sounds more like you fit them? Don't be shy, Al will finally be able to Lord it over someone.
  13. Only because Yale panels don't have enough zones... Don't you import Chinese tat?
  14. Don't worry about the locks on the 1.1L fiesta, the Moss alarm will do the trick.
  15. Hello and welcome, if you are in the trade apply for membership, there's more in the trade side.
  16. Yup, had one in my house for years (Modern Alarms variant) never missed a beat.
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