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Everything posted by norman

  1. Not to be a topper but just thinking mine is from c1995, now only used for the Xmas lights outside and spent a couple of days under water in 2007, but still.
  2. norman


    Hello and welcome.
  3. Exactly, and I'm sure we all do the same, I certainly do.
  4. Days of trade only are disappearing fast PJ and most trade counters will deal with anyone with a fist full of cash.
  5. I thought those days had gone?
  6. norman


    Hello and welcome, have a read of the forum rules and how to apply for trade membership, there is a lot of great information over on that side of the forum that is not viewable to the public.
  7. Hi Colin, It would more than likely alarm internally every time you touched the tamper pair and alarm pair, no big deal but a bit of a nuisance.
  8. The best way forward would ideally to have the door contact replaced so the system is functioning, then have it checked over fully by a competent engineer. You could look to replace the contact yourself if you feel able.
  9. norman


    Yeah, sorry and back on point... I'd contact your landlord, he may be miffed if you start messing with fixtures and fittings albeit with good intent.
  10. norman


    Good point and well spotted... No. The stairs are bare wood in any case just out of sight.
  11. norman


    I've always had a mix of detectors in the houses and make them sign the inventory to say they have seen them tested and will keep the batteries replaced when required, I even photo the dates on the batteries... iirc it was a stipulation of my insurance. On the below you can see the dated label on them too... even under the stairs...
  12. norman


  13. norman


    Personally I'd refer back to your landlord and let him sort it.
  14. norman


    I thought a faulty zone would be a steady led, but I must admit I can't remember, hence asking if it's a fire zone that's tripped. The only real way to tell is to either find the paperwork that identifies the zones or get a competent person in who can sort it and service it maybe @ the same time. If your landlord had it fitted they may have the paperwork, and in most cases it's up to them to resolve in any case.
  15. norman


    Are there any smoke detectors on the system?
  16. norman


    Are you sure you have the correct code? Try inputting the 4 digit code again, does it begin to set?
  17. norman


    Upload a photo of the keypad or model number, guessing a 800l or similar.
  18. norman


    The strobe will continue to flash until the system is reset, to do this you would require the user code, speak to the landlord would be my advice.
  19. I replaced some truly shocking systems that had obviously not worked for years, up here YE never questioned the consumer.
  20. I used to contract to cunningham lindsey (and later directly) who were loss adjusters for Yorkshire Electricity, I repaired and replaced dozens upon dozens of alarms and there was never any question about maintenance. Call your supplier and ask to put a claim in.
  21. A friend's daughter starts next month as an area manager, starting salary is 42k with a fully expensed A4. Now I'm sure they will want their pound of flesh but still a decent starting salary.
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