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Everything posted by norman

  1. This could all be achieved by a Texecom Hybrid system with a couple of keypads for both area's, at least then you get notification in the house when the garage is being turned over. Can you get a cable to the garage from the house?
  2. http://www.instructables.com/id/Soldering-Tutorial-Inline-Splicing/
  3. Also depends on the location of your property and what surrounds it, bearing in mind it's rare anyone will bat an eyelid on hearing an alarm nowadays.
  4. Texecom also offer excellent DIY support...
  5. We're all servants to water, we just don't realise.
  6. boils my piss hearing chavs talk like gangsters
  7. I doubt anyone on here will have used it. Fancy website but I doubt it will be comparable to a mainstream wireless system. Looks Yale'esque and I doubt 2 seconds is enough to disable any part of the kit but I'd imagine it's one way wireless in any case. Personally I'd spend your money elsewhere.
  8. Safest way is to enter engineer mode and disconnect the cable fully from the panel end, take a clear photo of the connections first to make connecting back up easier.
  9. I was in London on Wednesday, I didn't hear many.
  10. Is their such a thing in London nowadays?
  11. A regular soldering iron will be fine, if you are unsure have a practice first on some old spare cable. Lots of tutorials on YT.
  12. I sang that it a cockney accent in my head ^^ Your ring tone?
  13. ignore I've found it... https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgFpvqUNqQIkSh0HKHMNnLA
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