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Everything posted by norman

  1. I can see why you are miffed with the comments, but I'd take some comfort over the fact they never changed your main battery, there are some unscrupulous companies/individuals who would have taken advantage and said it needed changing. In fact some others would also wildly put it was all down to the mains issue thinking the builders insurance would foot the bill. I've read thousands of engineers reports for billing purposes and that reads to me as thought it was wrote after some specific discussion around the cause, in fact I'd wager it was written after the engineer felt pissed over something. Again, just ime of course.
  2. Life's too short imo, raise a complaint with with the company cc'ing any associated inspectorate and engage a new company to maintain the system going forward then move on. I note your location, is the company a national one?
  3. As above, if the panel was dead the detectors may have been polling (looking for it so to speak) this would tie in with all needing new batteries, but also on the back of this having a wireless system without a service contract is not a great idea imo
  4. Just make sure it matches up with the others.
  5. You've had it less than 12m and have been having issues for a while and that's good?
  6. Of course not, do as I say, not as I do...
  7. Scott, if it's less than 12m as you say call them out under warranty, problem sorted. I guess you are in IT, do you not provide contracts to your clients?
  8. The monthly fee may have included call outs, believe me, a ringing siren at 3 am is worth the money. Try getting someone out to have a look and you would need to pay a call out fee so the anual fee soon looks good value, all imo of course. How long has it been installed?
  9. Give your original installer a call and ask if they'll sort it out for free.
  10. Not familiar with the panel, but on the plus side you saved £13 per month...
  11. Just a big believer if it's not broke...
  12. Said before, the BIL had one that served him well for years, right up to him moving.
  13. At least she'd be used to handling a weapon that let's it's load off with a hair trigger. Was he a darkie?
  14. The driver reportedly pointed a gun at another motorists, no issues with the killing in that case. One less prick imo.
  15. Just link it out, no come back from dead people...
  16. But if they give you their unique engineers code then they compromise every system with the same code... Give BMW a call and ask for the code for the 2017 map updates
  17. Give them a call and explain that, let us know how you get on.
  18. No they won't tell you it, but they will come out and default it for you (for a cost obviously), much cheaper than a sleepless night...
  19. Yup... http://www.royalmailpfs.com/about-us/
  20. I know a couple of ex ADT, now ROMEC guys, all happy and they seem a decent company to work for, my understanding was they didn't lose the contract, they chose to scale right back.
  21. Yes, an old ATI - Protection One - ADT system, I'd imagine any engineers who were able to programme via the Psion would be dead now anyway...
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