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Everything posted by norman

  1. No but if you understand why you are losing the quotes (and this should be done on the follow up call) then if it' is an accreditation thing you have the ammo to look @ accreditation. More than likeley the seller form the accredited co will be bigging up accreditation (as they should I suppose if they are paying for it)
  2. Could be as simple as not having a good salesman, or to flip the coin, they have a better salesman. Accreditation is a good starting point though.
  3. My Spectra is a James Bond Skyfall special edition, fancy box and everything... No one comes near my back door.
  4. My Spectra is a James Bond Skyfall special edition.
  5. Yes, very good and exactly what we'd expect from someone like you, rumour has it you're a Dell fan.
  6. I can't say I've ever wanted to know.
  7. I have just had my screen replaced on my HP Spectra, cracking machine (literally), it's 18 months old roughly and a known issue with the hinges causing the problem but HP still wanted £300 to replace.
  8. Or fit in more service calls per day. You're welcome.
  9. Your checks are commendable but too comprehensive imo, I'd expect those on a monitored takeover. Discuss the history of any issues, check bells, batteries (Inc current and charge) , induced ac at a push, walk test Inc pa's, cct resistance, brew.
  10. Any more than 30 minutes on a resi and you should be applying for a blue badge.
  11. No, but as soon as this tags off....
  12. Hello and welcome, send my love to Mandy.
  13. Thats the beauty of hybrid, the flexibility of wireless perim protection without the hassle of fishing wires through cavities and frames etc. ?
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