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Everything posted by norman

  1. I don't wear pants. They worked well imo, even if they looked like (and probably were) an afterthought. Probs find the master fob inside the panel in any case...
  2. @ Longman, it will also need the fobs disabling (assuming you don't have the master fob)
  3. They all were unless the customer paid extra for a live siren, or, as in a few cases, paid for one prior to going bells only. Used to take loads of calls from terminated contracts moaning about not realising they were dummy boxes. Let me know next time/if you are ever in the area again and I'll get the kettle on for you.
  4. It's not a live bell in 99% of those systems, there will be an internal sounder that will require silencing. The Accord you have is a perfectly capable system and I'd keep that, any decent company can default and reprogram for you and add a external siren.
  5. Could be the batteries dragging it down, but I'd take the engineer link out first and try again.
  6. Ah, sorry, it's for the 6100, my bad.
  7. I have an E letter in the drawer in the kitchen if you want one?
  8. Are you sure you've not full set it by mistake?
  9. Own up, who did the cctv and leccy?
  10. lol, Just ordered 2 new house doors today, they come as standard with anti bump, anti snap locks (ERA iirc) Can't say I'm bothered tbf we've only just started locking them on a night.
  11. Hello and welcome Bradley, have a read of the rules and apply for trade membership, there's a plethora of info on that side of the forum
  12. TBF that looks like regular social housing plastering.
  13. Chubb & (mainly) ADT have it nailed imo, but JP will always recognise a Yale box.
  14. Same with all the major brands tbf, but only geeks like us notice the version of sounder.
  15. Most resi burglars don't give a hoot about comms etc. imo, in fact I doubt they would know what you were on about. They are in and out merchants and know in the main the police will be a no show in any case so their biggest fear is confrontation, but most have a screwdriver or similar so are not too bothered about that tbf. Just imo
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