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Everything posted by norman

  1. TBF that looks like regular social housing plastering.
  2. Chubb & (mainly) ADT have it nailed imo, but JP will always recognise a Yale box.
  3. Same with all the major brands tbf, but only geeks like us notice the version of sounder.
  4. Who's told you my MO?
  5. Most resi burglars don't give a hoot about comms etc. imo, in fact I doubt they would know what you were on about. They are in and out merchants and know in the main the police will be a no show in any case so their biggest fear is confrontation, but most have a screwdriver or similar so are not too bothered about that tbf. Just imo
  6. Not feeling the Yale love. Regardless of our opinions on Yale (he's not asked for them btw) they are set at a price point and specific market. PJ not sure they go off every time a taxi goes past, there's 1 on my St and the next door neighbour gets taxis 3-4 times a week, I've never heard it go off. Yes in a professional world they are a poor choice but it's not our choice in this case. When was the last time anyone heard of a radio system being compromised via jamming etc?
  7. Personally I'd leave it to a professional, but if you are determined to attempt this yourself I would start at the external sounder, be prepared for the noise (ear plugs) and high voltage if there is a strobe present. Remove the lid and snip the wire to the actual sounder (often small, black and round). Should only ring then for a few seconds up to doing this. You can then remove at your leisure.
  8. Hey, calm down.
  9. Used to have dozens upon dozens of those bad boys in my area.
  10. I know a subby who used to rock up at the office in his Bentley, I piss you not.
  11. I'd go with swapping locations with the other and see if it follows the device.
  12. Anything reflective opposite the detector that could have caused issue?
  13. Hello from Yorkshire
  14. But are they still working?
  15. Some scruffy get's left a drum of cable outside, won't be there long in 'ull
  16. norman


    Hello and welcome
  17. Lighting circuits are fraught with interference, fluorescents, chokes etc. not good practice.
  18. If you have the code some may not warrant it.
  19. Yes if you sign a disclaimer for liability purposes.
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