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Everything posted by norman

  1. Your sales patter needs a bit of work imo.
  2. Nephew seems pretty normal but now you've got me thinking.
  3. He's just had a hot roast beef sandwich with me. My nephew is a nightmare and will only eat sausage (cheap ones) chips and chicken nuggets, he's 13 and now has to take supplements for his health. Mothers a social worker but has always (as has my brother) let him eat what he wants and pandered to him. No tips ours will try anything and don't say urghh before trying it, nothing we've actively done, just lucky I guess.
  4. Any decent company should be able to crash and reprogramme the panel in around an hour, most will probably know the engineer code anyway so try a couple more companies.
  5. All he does is college work, he's not interested in gaming or other 'normal' things (yes he has a gf but she's away @ uni) I thought it would be a nice hobby. I tried it but don't have the patience.
  6. I bought the lad a set of starter picks and a clear padlock to practice on (less than a tenner from some chinky tat place) he's pretty good with standard cheapo locks.
  7. Not familiar with the unit but often the rear is just an extension of the front via a small plastic plunger.
  8. That's a library pic BTW but you get the idea
  9. I remember seeing chassis being driven down the M62 with guys in goggles, probably going to the motorhome people. What could possibly go wrong...
  10. Yup, I've worked @ the Optare factory in Leeds
  11. Bedford, where do you live? 1978? Optare, Alexander and scania are the new kids on the block.
  12. Default schmefault, 3's too much imo. If it needs to be 3 it needs to be changed for an appropriate detector.
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