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Everything posted by norman

  1. I'd have thought a caveat disclaimer would be the norm? Remember all customers are liars and will deny you ever discussing it, or the person will have moved on etc. etc.
  2. norman


    Tally ho
  3. Yes, but better done and tested by the engineer, especially as you have paid them to do it imo. If they are flagging a tamper at the panel (lid not fitted correctly) then they are communicating.
  4. Because all customers are stupid and will always blame you for the FA's on the system 'you' fitted.
  5. The charging cct struggling to charge a faulty battery can cause all sorts of issue, better replacing and seeing how it goes, probably OK once swapped tbf.
  6. 180 days, wow I need to remember that one and I thought Amazon Prime were shit hot for the seller...
  7. Nothing wrong here on Chrome quoting, but I suppose they don't make provisions for stupid.
  8. Lol, try it, I wouldn't be surprised if eBay sided with you.
  9. The rapier is screen printed, I've never seen one with a sticker.
  10. So he needs removing from the approved section until then.
  11. So we have an approved installer that's not in the trade section ?
  12. Why do I think there may be some truth in that?
  13. I've trialed this last year , and although I can't remember the details, decided not to pursue it .
  14. Most decent installers will monitor false alarms and subsequent root cause, this would then lead to product sourcing. Most others just buy the cheapest...
  15. Pay attention to the lights on the detector when walk testing, they will tell you if it's PIR or MW that is activating.
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