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Everything posted by norman

  1. One of them used to be a call to site iirc ffs.
  2. norman


    And he loses the other half because it was on account and he was rolled over.
  3. ^^ Good ethic and a shame some of the other money grabbing monkeys don't do the same...
  4. My pref would be Texecom, let the installer design ( with your input obvs) supply and install. The 1st 12m should be covered for warranty but I would recommend a maint plan, you may be surprised how affordable they are, especially when you factor in inconvenience of waiting for a call in the middle of the night (some co's won't entertain non contracted customers for obvious reasons)
  5. Well they are, you couldn't swap without having to code to the new vehicle. I have the Carly software for my car and have coded in various functions. Not something I think Joe public would do but the information is readily available on the www. The software and lead were reasonably priced iirc.
  6. There are cheaper alternatives... But as with everything in life some things are worth spending a little more on and also getting them fitted professionally. Cost v risk and all that.
  7. PJ will be round to kick your arse if he thinks you're making a move on his bessie. Chill, n'uff said.
  8. Stopped what? Working, polling, reproducing, finishing a sentence?
  9. Problem is dashcams aren't designed for constant use, even after a few hours the heat can be a factor.
  10. They also did one with nightrider type LED's on the sensor, that was a great seller. found it..
  11. Moss had their place in the market, they were no Clifford or Piranah but offered good profit and low/no call backs.
  12. I fitted loads of Moss Alarms back in the day, they were the Yale of their time. MS700, 705 and 707 iirc. Worked well and gvfm.
  13. Hello and welcome da do Ron Ron.
  14. One too many c's there skipper.
  15. Hello and welcome Scott, apply for trade there is a plethora of information there.
  16. Hello and welcome, http://www.tavcom.com/ have some good courses I hear.
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