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Everything posted by norman

  1. I'd have expected the cost price of a spark to be higher than £35.75 never mind the charge out price.
  2. https://ssaib.org/security-provider-search/ http://www.nsi.org.uk/directory/#topform
  3. Speak with your insurer before you waste any money on a DIY system.
  4. If they have any sense they will null the warranty too.
  5. and an @btinternetbecauseimshit.com email address?
  6. We bought a mielle vac but found it too heavy (after the Oreck I guess) so my mother has it now.
  7. Just replaced a Zanussi washer a couple of weeks ago, lasted 8 years. Best thing I can think of for longevity is our Oreck vac's had them over 20 years before I replaced one of them. " On the back of one sensor are 2 pins with a jumper on them, from reading the manual removing the jumper makes the sensors less sensitive (not what I want). "
  8. Those lenses look like they will give a very wide spread, probably take Mr Blobby to trip them.
  9. That's him, has he been campaigning on your doorstep too?
  10. UKIP? he'll be welcomed here then, especially by PJ
  11. Can't get the engineers these days.
  12. Yellow 'C' type above the Facom sign, still see the window foil if you look closely. https://www.google.co.uk/maps/@53.6803264,-1.5031351,3a,19.9y,80.64h,92.88t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s_PUFKlWV1psMff69i1-ugQ!2e0!7i13312!8i6656
  13. First install was a Bentley of some sort iirc, only installed c1991 and the bells still up.
  14. tbf fair for 3 squid you could bang it on fleabay and get 20-30 I reckon.
  15. I see what you did there... lol @ PJ's interests
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