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Everything posted by norman

  1. Because the rodents aren't always hungry enough to finish it all, but once they've started they do often come back and more cores will drop.
  2. I was going to put that on but was scared of upsetting James as it wasn't Enforcer...
  3. Lol, got to love direct marketing, this just popped up on my FB feed, have a gander... https://www.facebook.com/GPRSCCTV/photos/pb.832031903488781.-2207520000.1444171911./849107565114548/?type=3&theater
  4. If I had any system and had faults with it I wouldn't recommend it, regardless of how efficient the installer was.
  5. How many referrals has the reliability cost you?
  6. Yes, or perhaps a resi panel and a comm panel.
  7. Engineer codes are pretty fruitless imo to a reasonable engineer. Even the unique ones..
  8. Defaulting, although not ideal is the best way imo
  9. Oh, in that case the answer to Q5 is yes...
  10. Worth every penny to get the system fully checked by a competent company, bearing in mind the value of the asset it's protecting (or not in this case!!)
  11. Said it before, my bil has one been totally flawless for the last 17 years or so.
  12. I had a 4 it was fine but poor battery life...
  13. And you got to see Barbara Windsor's hooters. /probably.
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