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Everything posted by norman

  1. You already replied, 10 minutes ago, above. Sheesh!
  2. Does this smell like chloroform to you?
  3. Does your house have windows?
  4. No, no you don't, and I also think it's cheap, bearing in mind professional co's do not mark this up, it's often paid direct by the customer to the local force, why should the public pay for the police time for admin alarms?
  5. The payment is for the administration process, it covers a plethora of things. http://www.securedbydesign.com/security-systems/Security-Systems-Policy-2015.pdf
  6. As nova, urn - unique reference number No urn = unable to pass to police
  7. Hi, have a look at the texecom range, good features and more importantly good support.
  8. You are talking about urn and cert cost in the same conversation, both different.
  9. His new property needs, so I guess he's fitting from scratch. Advising to latch detection is poor advice.
  10. Latching doors? Good advice is one cable, one device per zone.
  11. Nothing, the customer pays direct to the local force.
  12. Please, along with address and ideally a code if you don't mind. thanks.
  13. People fear the inspectors, remember they want you to be successful, it's in their interest so ask lots of questions regarding advice and best practice.
  14. Do you get planning permission?
  15. Possibly, in which case I guess he already know the answer...
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