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Everything posted by norman

  1. I could remove the sink without damaging the fabric of the property.
  2. If it's screwed up it is classed as fixtures and fittings.
  3. Never heard of the make. From 2 sources.. "Safegard has to date installed 1,500 systems since April 2010" "Safegard has to date installed over 3,000 systems since April 2010" http://www.safegard.org.uk/case-studies/monitored-intruder-systems http://www.securecomlimited.co.uk/?page_id=1387 Same director too
  4. But the cod would unset when the full system was set? *code
  5. I can't think of any wireless system that only takes 2 PIR's, I suspect some miscommunication from them. I'd take comfort in the knowledge you have a couple of sensors, very unusual for a landlord to provide a monitored system, let alone FOC
  6. He had the code to switch it off?
  7. The contract will be between the Landlord and Security company, if they agree to install an additional detector I doubt they would do if FOC and if they do I would also expect the annual maintenance charge to rise slightly to cover the additional equipment. Loft access during or indeed to gain access to a premises is very rare ime. Finally you wont be able to add your own for the reasons above and also it would need to be programmed onto the system.
  8. Not noticed tbf but the Jimmy song is epic.
  9. He did indeed, I hope you weren't ear wigging Mr Walls.
  10. Also great for sucking dust off a sausage. *VLS
  11. Rumbled... http://www.todayshomeowner.com/video/finding-lost-small-items-with-a-vacuum-cleaner/
  12. I bet it's not documented as such, very unlikely anyway.. but still not a leg to stand on, as PJ say's get some costing for additions that they feel comfortable with.
  13. If on the rare occasion I dropped a screw and couldn't find it I'd place one of my stocking over the end of the vacuum and go over the area.
  14. Plus when they answer the phone from her bag when it goes off they'll be able to cancel any alarms...
  15. Get your hand in your pocket you tight get.
  16. Personally, if the panels been OK and is still serviceable (apart from the obv) I'd look to replace the chip (IC5? iirc)
  17. Having a quick look at the activity on the forum they've all been banged up.
  18. I thought cybergibbons was on the payroll so to speak, didn't they give him a shedload of dcoms to break?
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