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Everything posted by norman

  1. He's a bandit what do you expect
  2. See, that's better now you have it off your chest
  3. Lol, Charlie, the technical term above above is widely used amongst the industry, bear in mind it's subjective and encompasses a plethora of issues. One man's bag of poo is another man's feast as they say. (or not) I'm sure he'll elaborate in pinpoint precision.
  4. There isn't imo, if they can log onto the portal they can access the seed code.
  5. You need one of these bad boys... http://www.theengineer.co.uk/home/jaguar-land-rover-unveils-pothole-detection-technology/1020493.article
  6. That's truly shocking and I hope you are ashamed of yourself. who tf uses Travelodge...
  7. Protex are from your area and support both the above. Give them a call.
  8. All about liability Leo. and as above any company worth their salt can default and reprogram so no real issue to a capable co.
  9. If your current company have been servicing the system for a year without the engineer code I'd be asking a few questions. There could also be the question that ADT own the intellectual rights to the programming of the system they did.
  10. Mobile ramp to the RKP, sorted.
  11. Or stay employed, put the hours in for a well paying company if it's the money that motivates you (we're all different) and enjoy your life in a more stress free way.
  12. Are you busier than an Asian kid in a Wakefield Security cctv factory though?
  13. Like any electrical component the mechanical parts (relay) has a finite life, imagine how many times this will have operated, so ime for the sake of a few £'s id be looking to replace.
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