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Everything posted by norman

  1. I used to have a girlfriend who had 3 nipples.
  2. It's easy with the converter, just choose a .jpg and it changes it
  3. Sorry, I deleted from my laptop about 3m ago, they are gash btw.
  4. A member on here left a previous company and caused issues with programming and leaving battery links open etc. I mean I wouldn't take it personally, they need to be seen to protect their customers.
  5. Wouldn't bother me to be fair
  6. Within reason it's your employers parogative.
  7. I'd have put the magnet horizontal and the contact closer.
  8. Falls into dpa, but you won't get permission anyway.
  9. They were only there to show you how to wire a max reader though.
  10. Do you inspect the car they rock up in to the interview?
  11. It's looking for a line voltage, option 56
  12. Will the real Cassa please stand up.... Hello and welcome
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