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Everything posted by norman

  1. NSi frown on a few things without founded reason ime
  2. Not me. Craig, add some value to the site and I'm sure you will reap the benefits.
  3. I remember a stable that was like a solid arch and the staple fired into it, looked bulky and expensive iirc http://www.tecratools.com/media/productImages/48121.jpg Similar to the above
  4. Sorry I misread, I meant in relation to alarm cable
  5. Nothing wrong or non-compliant with staples, used correctly and into a suitable medium. (wood)
  6. Hi merc, the batteries should be changed on the service by your provider and may or may not be deemed a chargeable item.
  7. Before doing that I would leave the detectors powered and short the alarm cct, if they all clear then yes it's the detectors but quite unlikely imo. Have you proven the voltage to each? If they still activate shorted in the detector then short the ccts in the panel to prove the cable also, finally remove all the cct cables from the panel connections to prove the panel.
  8. norman


    Did the bwf sort your name?
  9. norman


    Hello and welcome
  10. Vick by comparison how much is your home and family worth? How much was your extension? And you are reluctant to spend more than the cost of a set of printer ink to protect them?
  11. Best locked imo, who says you didn't take the pic then turn off afterwards?
  12. OK then, the 2 bedrooms, are they on the 1st floor and if so any flat roofs or other means of access? Are there any safes valuables in them?
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