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Everything posted by norman

  1. In reality the panic button would be unlikely to be used ime, is it a bungalow? Also let us see a floor plan showing doors and windows please.
  2. Hi Vick, everyone is suggesting it because it's the correct and proper thing to do, on a professional forum with professional people who do this day in, day out no one will suggest a bodge, which is what you are asking. For the sake of c£100 to protect your property correctly? Come on you must see it makes sense to do it correctly.
  3. Hi Vick, If you are wiring double detection due to no spare zones then I'd suggest it's time for a bigger panel. If one zone alarms you won't know which detector is at fault.
  4. So you run the phone line, then every issue with it thereafter is yours in the customers eyes, leave the phones to the phone co and the alarms to the alarm co imo.
  5. Great advice here on how to circumnavigate your maintainer, well done.
  6. OK then now that's clear tell the dirty ****ers to get cleaning.
  7. I can't remember the last time I used the cd drive on any of my laptops
  8. Yes all Std spec, speak to Jim Wilson the project engineer from Glasgow.
  9. iPads with a fancy mount wifi'd to the cctv. Std spec for the upgrades.
  10. But the most cost effective would be a socket in the kitchen.
  11. Get your telecoms provider to install a socket adjacent the main alarm control panel, it will cost you but is the easiest solution imo.
  12. It was a genuine question, there is a software release on the net to cure it.
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