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Driller last won the day on August 25 2022

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  1. Hi guys, hope you’re doing well, I saw this and thought of you, unbelievable considering the site. Is this an installation technique I’m aware of?
  2. Reassuring to know it's not just me James! Swapped out just the power supply bit after removing the ribbon cables. It was fully compatible with the existing RIO main board and problem solved immediately, hopefully this one will last a bit longer than 2-3 years.
  3. True, I like your way of thinking, a bit like, "I never lose: either I win or I learn" ?
  4. Reminds me of my first date with the wife
  5. For anyone encountering a similar problem, got a new powered RIO but will just try swapping out the power supply part at first.
  6. Bought in person over the counter, don’t know whether they use DPD or not. Would have thought there would have been other damage if it was shaken enough to force those spring contacts but the rest of the panel looks fine
  7. Update for anyone with the same problem who finds this thread: Got back on site and popped the coin battery out, measured a good 3V. Put it back and it seemed a bit loose so bent the battery contacts, put the battery back in and did a cold restart: panel now keeps it's configuration, so it was due to loose contacts on memory battery. Very surprising to have this on a brand new panel.
  8. Thanks SWB, so can I get hold of just the SMPS part or do I have to replace the whole thing? i was supposed to leave to go on holiday today, Sod’s law. Any way I could rig up a 12V 4Amp supply in the SMPS’s place temporarily? i guess the RS 485 bus would throw up an error if I did that.
  9. Ps forgot to say I have 220V measured coming into the PSU
  10. Gentlemen, I now have a battery failure on that powered RIO module (of course) and only 9V on the board which makes sense. All the right lights are on (flashing red on RIO) fixed green on PSU (I removed the shroud). Can someone who knows please confirm that I need to replace the PSU module?
  11. Good God, it's true!
  12. I would love to have a picture
  13. Does SW sell lightning conductors? ?
  14. There's a flux capacitor?! ?
  15. Just because I know Mr Happy was waiting for this, it's started doing it again intermittently: AC FAIL PSU 103. Opened the powered RIO panel, couldn't see a problem, tested mains side (good) and got 13V odd on the other side. The ribbon connector on the RIO side was slightly loose so pressed that home (moved maybe a millimeter). Anyone have any more news about this fault on the newer boards? I still do not have a dog.
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