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Everything posted by Specialist

  1. Yeah mate, I know. For some reason I thought the OP said it wasn't that old, can't be bothered to go back and read it all again. Life's way too short
  2. Sorry was trying to do several things at once, your Installer should have set the sounder cut off time to no more than 15 minutes.
  3. Hi Jez: Yes, from what you've said then it's quite feasible for you to change the battery yourself in the future. Did he take a meter up into the attic to check charging voltage / current ?. Sorry: Not sure what you mean by even worse case scenario, bell only sounds for 20 minutes on the Accenta 6 ?. That's more than enough time to deter a burglar and really annoy your neighbours.
  4. Nah, you forget: I've had plenty of time to fix the stuff
  5. To me, shiny new boxes are all well and good in their place. i.e when I definitely can't bring something back to life. Maybe I'm just a masochist
  6. Just goes to show how out of touch I am .
  7. I thought James was a busy, hard working guy.
  8. A man after my own heart, I hate seeing stuff thrown out just for the sake of it. That's why I love restoring Vintage electronics.
  9. Bet that's going to take a good deal of your time. Could we maybe run a survey to see how many would use the Android version ?. May save you a lot of work.
  10. Sorry mate, I thought we wanted more people to come here for help and in the process help keep the forum going. To me this doesn't do that, it goes the opposite way.
  11. Guys am I missing something here ?. The OP came here for help and was given it, he took the advice to call the Installer to look at the system. Why the sudden interrogation about what technology he uses to access the forum ?, What difference does it make to anything and more to the point, what business is it of ours ?. He has an older alarm that for whatever reason, needs to be kept running if possible. Personally I don't care what technology he uses to access the forum or why he needs to keep the system running, it's not my business.
  12. Hi James: Thanks for that. Shame it's Windows, that would mean putting it on the Laptop rather than the tablet.
  13. Is it a Trade only download James ?.
  14. Don't know about the sia calculator but the one from safe-group.co.uk isn't bad.
  15. Hi Jez: Let us know what your Installer says, hopefully it will just need a battery and check over. Unfortunately I'm using my tablet at the moment so can't open the picture file.
  16. Only joking buddy, think out of the 2 of us I'm the oldest . Mind you that story about me helping Noah build the ark, It was just a vicious rumour
  17. The TA (Tamper) & PA (Personal attack) lights would only light in the event one of these circuits was activated. The day light would normally be on once the panel is fully reset and in normal day mode.
  18. Don't think that panel will take more than a 2.1.
  19. The battery you need to replace is the one inside the panel, with the one you pictured. Absolutely no need to open the panel to look at it first. If your unsure of what to do, you may be better off calling in a local Installer.
  20. Hi: If you replace the battery and get a tamper that your code won't reset, you have a few options. 1) Call the original installer to reset for you. 2) Call another Installer to crash and reprogramme the alarm for you, while replacing the battery. Please don't ask how to crash the panel as it's against our rules to give that information. 3) Do as al-yeti suggests and have a new panel installed.
  21. That goes for old alarm engineers too mate (Not that I'm saying Your old, you understand)
  22. The panel won't have power. The external sounder will, via it's own battery. It's the loss of power from the panel to the sounder that causes it to go into alarm. Until you reconnect the battery or apply mains power to the panel, you won't be able to silence the alarm. When all power is removed from the panel the sounder should sound for no more than 15 to 20 minutes, your best option would be to have someone by the keypad to enter the code and silence the alarm as soon as you reconnect the battery.
  23. Sorry, I missed answering part of your original question. Yes the battery you show should be fine as a replacement in your panel. One other thing: Make sure you have a good torch when going to replace the battery, you'd be surprised how many people forget this.
  24. Hi: The power going off just set the alarm off, it never caused a tamper condition so your code would reset the alarm. There's a battery inside your external sounder Which would power the siren in the event of say a cable being cut or the system going into alarm as yours did, in your case the power coming back on would have taken over powering the siren again and kept it running.
  25. Hi: Do you mean the Installer or user manuals ? If you take the fuse out at the side of the panel or turn the main house switch off ( Best option) the alarm should sound outside, that's what it's designed to do. Your panel can be set to either user or engineer reset on tamper, if engineer reset is enabled then the Installer will usually have changed the engineer code to one of his own. If he has then entering your code once you change the battery and refitted the panel lid, will silence the alarm but won't let you set it until the engineer code is entered. A tamper light or message will show on the keypad until reset.
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