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Everything posted by itesecurity

  1. Raspberry Pi
  2. These guys do the odd bit of Crow stuff. not much on the website as they are primarily CCTV http://baekenterprise.com/accessories/crow-merlin-pro-wireless-receiver-interface-167.html
  3. Even when the system is unset they do still light up occasionally when an area has been vacated for a while, they only light up once though and very rarely. Doubt it would have that much of an effect on battery life.
  4. 20 downloads

    Pyronix V2 GSM Installation Manual
  5. itesecurity


  6. itesecurity

    IMG 0182

    From the album: Pictures

  7. itesecurity

    IMG 0181

    From the album: Pictures

  8. itesecurity

    IMG 0180

    From the album: Pictures

  9. Sorry, long week.
  10. How do you come to the conclusion that I am a cowboy ?? And where did I say that I installed anything but 'real intruder kit'.
  11. Classic story of installer not knowing what he was doing, probably used to veritas series which didn't have enough zones for the job and decided to stick in a premier, saw this happen before.
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