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BUSTER last won the day on October 5 2016

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  1. I agree, EMCS will do it
  2. You are using the wrong insite, pcx is not UK
  3. Is your Euro 46 v10 firmware, if not it will not work
  4. I believe the netgear units have a lifetime warranty, the ones we have fitted have been very reliable
  5. They look like castle fobs but have been told that some older third party fobs do not work on v10
  6. I have a free line from sipgate, works great, I don’t use it for outgoing calls just use my mobile, like the answerphone bit that forwards messages to email
  7. You may need a firmware update
  8. Not heard of that, fitted quiet a few ZX panels but didn’t know Morley had their own protocol so I have learned something today
  9. May not be enough room for a cantilever, they are approx. 1/3rd longer than the opening size
  10. Hik will still not be able to control down the coax domes
  11. We also use Camberford Law
  12. I much prefer the blue screen to the green screen, customers also like the clear display, wish it was included in the hard wired kits
  13. I installed a kit recently without problems at set up other than not having the latest version of monitor so the keypads showed up as isolated but worked fine. Thought the reading of fobs a bit slow on set/unset though
  14. Dell for me
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