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Everything posted by emsgeorge

  1. Yep they make them for portable units as well. I am looking at cvdi's catalogue at the moment, and have asked the question of Lathams as well.
  2. Anyone know of any kits which convert lathams steel doors from multi point locking to a strike plate lock ?. Or something which will automate door locking ? Paxton and a single fail secure electric strike plate on the door, customer doesnt mind if they only have one point of locking instead of the multi point as supplied on the door. Something that will allow them entry to their unit for daytime use (they will lock the door using the key and multi bolts at night if theres no multi point motor style driven kit). Lathams now use hooply locks, which I've never dealt with before. Any ideas folks ?
  3. We've been advised by the 'expert' that a local council brought in, that we could use hik, as long as its only cameras, and not dvrs, and only if the system was coax based, rather than IP. The basis of the conversation being that if its not a hik dvr, and the system isn't IP, then they couldn't possibly dial into the cameras, as that would have to be via the dvr, which not being hik, couldn't happen. Although a lot of the larger buildings we look after for said council are all IP, as the original design was all done via cat5 and switches on each floor.
  4. Ha guys, some of my thoughts exactly !!! they lost a couple last time, hence the need for this to go 'technical' to avoid loosing kids ! the plan is to have some sort of lane with staff there to ensure they swipe in and out, like a festival. Ta for the stuff so far !!
  5. Gurus of access control, lend me your ears. strange but interesting application needed for an access control system : a scout camp. They want to be able to check everyone in and out, knowing who is 'on site' - this is a one off, for a week. Their usual stance is to have identity cards printed by a normal id printer. the ethos of doing it on the cheap has been mentioned, but I would prefer to build them a system that will last. Now, I'm the cctv man, not access control, and therefore a couple of questions : The system simply needs to keep a count of who, and how many, people are on site. My thoughts are with a 'in' and an 'out' reader each scout waves their card against, connected to a set of traffic style lights, rather than a mag lock. The event staff are there at the gates to make sure people don't bypass the card readers. I was was looking at paxton kit, as it's decent and reliable. It will need to be able to be linked to a laptop so when they ask what time 'little johhny' left, we can tell them. card wise, their cards have to last no more than a week. Therefore, are all these cheaper 125khz cards I see on the likes of eBay, will they work with paxton kit ?. The cost is directly bourne by the organisers so the more cost effective the better. Does This sound ok ?. Is there a better or easier set of software out there than the paxton stuff ?. And will the cards work with paxton kit (I see a lot of their much more expensive cards out there which leads me to think they may not !!) ta all !
  6. I thought there was something wrong when we put in an ndi anpr cam, it was pulsing at about 50hz on the IR cam. Thought I was doing it wrong, until I broke open the manual..........
  7. Why not use some of the 16ch rack mount to balun units, then you can use a few cat5's to your new location, rather than a massive bundle of rg59. 4 cams per cat5. its sill an analogue signal, and looks neat too. (and is a heck of a lot easier to run cable wise than your 94 runs of coax)
  8. Im sure I have seen the same unit offered by adata. As some sort of vehicle based ptz.
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