2.0 has been around the corner for some yrs now.
I love to use the tech detailed but TBH I take the view how long will it take to get a return on the investment before Screwfix are selling it for buttons direct to the end user ?
thought I was quite fair minded?
however at given the length of time we've all been on the board I really shouldn't need to hide/ remove anything ?
All back up if your happy...
very interesting, although you could have posted the trendmap earlier as I would have enjoyed looking to see if there anything local out there...
are the proper stuff like heitel secured any better ?
using the magic of google
(I have no idea whether its the same as the OP's)
Meguiars, your must be posh.....
I've got "safety specs cleaning solution" which is labeled "anti misting" which I swiped from a redundant factory to clean their cams & have been using ever since,