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Everything posted by MrHappy

  1. I'm loving the mad retweets-
  2. the orange god emperor returns on the 20th.... Can Elon continue to do sterling work for Britain
  3. does the bell delay state 0 mins is the bell in the same area (AB) as the zones ?
  4. don'y change any wiring until you have work out is the tamper switches remain closed when lightly bashed
  5. They pee me off as to keep on the shelf as complete unit they live in plaggy bags, 3" is non std screw length, the underside is labeled or the wrong item get s sent out they all have screw on the inside of the inner cover, they adjust to make contact with the micro switch 3" screw leaves 47mm or there abouts in the wall which is just over the minimum in 4737 of 1.5" ?
  6. Elmdene Int500, The controls has plenty of spare zones & outputs, I would not have double things up, whilst the alarm is unset walk up to the internal speaker / internal sab.... firmly strike it with the handle of a no. 2 pozi or similar. If if goes into tamper adjust it so it does not.... If you can't strike into tamper, do the same trick to the external bell, remember the switch in on the internal cover no on the external lid
  7. odd product, you can remove the outer cover & throw it away with out the alarm going off, the internals are all clear plastic, the drop down lid has a machine screw to make contact with the mirco switch, the adjustable lower fixings stand off the wall by 30mm hence 3 inch screws,
  8. go into eng, in the menu which shows "radio code ./serial no." of the transmitter code to all the zeros 0000000000 ?? & IIRC also off as its zone setting
  9. looks poorly terminated... I fix them with two x 3x10 & one x 2x10 screws A tamper fault is most likely to be the small machine screw needing releasing to make a good contact.
  10. Does it time out after 1hr ? Do you need to enable engineering via user code ?
  11. via google- https://www.eaton.com/gb/en-gb/company/news-insights/myscantronic-knowledge-centre/New-i-on-Panel-Software-Release.html don't use so no idea if it the stuff you want...
  12. yeah he's probably hard up for work on 23rd of December & wants to tap up some random muppet who's probably hundreds of miles away for a new bellbox...
  13. it depends on the product, you never stated which controls it was some fully default by a jumper, some need chips pulling out ect..
  14. worked on a plaggy one, a mini, 3 metal ones... all tat Imo dunno, I dont think an ajax type of thing is the way forward
  15. do you have a magic torch ?
  16. I'd rip it out & stamp on it to ensure its dead.... If you need to replace with same thing its probably cheaper as a kit /
  17. I doubt there enough profit I a single panel to pay for 15 minutes of support ?
  18. Somewhere on my phone I have pic of YEB panel, fitted at skirting board height in former filling station.... selling nuclear fallout shelter for the soon to kick off ww3 ?
  19. have you turned the pot up ?
  20. lets have look at the information on your link dated Dec 2020 - If you run an Alarm Receiving Centre the rozzers have mostly automated their control rooms (ECHO) & to be on their platform you'll need a "Cyber Essentials Cert" which is nothing to do with NSI (or SSAIB) If you don't have your own ARC but use an accredited 3rd party like almost all of the modest sized alarm co's there's no need to bother with "Cyber Essentials" as it not essential to have PS all business & personal passwords are B@nanaman1983 & I've never been hacked....
  21. One of those auditors was in town the other week,, he went to load of places the local where quite unhappy about being filmed...
  22. Unlike my only fans a/c this one's free- VID_20241108_182950361.mp4
  23. An induced AC reading of 66.6Vac is one to worry about....
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