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About mikethecamera

  • Birthday 16/10/1972

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  • Location
    North Wales


  • Location
    North Wales

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  1. Well, due to the continued lack of regular work in North Wales, I'm actively seeking either regular subby work or a full time position. I'm currently based in Gwynedd, North wales. I'm an engineer of 26 years experience. Conversant in CCTV, Intruder, Access, Automated gates/barriers, networking, WiFi etc. Full CV available on request, drop me a message. Mike
  2. Where are you guys based? I've been scanning the situations vacant sites and everything seems to be down south, not a lot of good to me in North Wales If an experienced Subby is of any help, drop me a message.
  3. Very true for domestics, but even the contract commercial side seems quiet. Apparently we're not in recession, we shall see.
  4. How is the industry in general. I'm super quiet at the moment, as quiet as I've known it in many years. I've spoken to some local companies, and one or two of the lads working for the nationals, everyone seems quiet. I'm self employed and generally have enough contract work for 2-3 weeks in advance, in the last six weeks I've worked 1-2 days a week and the order book is empty. The van hasn't turned a wheel this week yet! Worrying to say the least!
  5. Messaged you Tom, not sure if you'll recieve it as your post count is less than 5
  6. i have lots of work can keep you very busy phil 07817722541

  7. As above, not worked on a logic 4 for a while, but if I remember rightly, behind the keyswitch on the board (or keypad on the optima) there is a big resistor. If the battery developed a short or 'dried out' this resistor would heat up to destruction affecting some or all of the 12v outputs. Check this resistor, see if there are any burn marks on board or obvious signs of heat on resistor. It can be replaced although to be honest, for the
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