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  1. Haha, j habite ici mec, y a des bons tuyaux des fois ! T'es a Bath ?
  2. Not my point, I was coming at it more from an ethical point of view, but yeah whatever you say
  3. Sorry mate, I was talking about locking the NVM to prevent defaulting rather than the engineer code. Totally agree with you on this though, engineer code can't be given out
  4. Surely the panel belongs to the client so you would need his approval to potentially refrain him from using it as he wishes ?
  5. Hi chaps, just wondering what are your views on locking panel ? I can't really see any reasons other than making the next installer's life difficult. I have had the case recently when the panel had to be replaced but the client was never consulted or told about it. Anyone know what the regs are ?
  6. All sorted, thanks gents. Windows would not do it by itself for some reason, but the FTDI website was of great help, thanks for the tip BLWTechServices.
  7. I've tried a few different port but no luck, when i go to device manager it shows that the drive needs updating but no idea where to go from there
  8. Hi everyone, recently purchased a microsoft surface laptop and annoyingly can not connect to Tex panel via Wintex. The USB comms lead doesn't give any flashing and the software keeps coming back with " Com port specified not available". I believe it might be a driver issue but no idea where to go from here. Any pointers would be greatly appreciated. thanks in advance. yann.
  9. Managed to get the image displayed through the app but no chance getting a snapshot via a recipe. Tex rep tried to help but couldn't provide a definite answer. Still waiting for something that could be an excellent selling point ... Bit disappointing to be fair.
  10. Thanks for the tip, done a couple more since and all seems ok now.
  11. Yep, the ricochet learning process seems a bit hit and miss though
  12. Yes it did. Seems to be ok once the data collecting is done and then going in day mode and back in.
  13. Engineer utility, then do bell test then yes
  14. Learned the w/less sab on a texecom 64w kit, wait until all data is collected and all showing ok but no response when the bell test is activated. Tried deleted and relearning, same result. Any ideas?
  15. Hello the good people from Unique, we're a couple of miles away from you on Ashley Road ....
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