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al-yeti last won the day on January 17

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About al-yeti

  • Birthday 09/03/1971

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    London u.k
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  1. As above , why can't you just connect the existing relay output to a zone? Etc relays probably can be used to activate something else like a light perhaps
  2. But cos I like tea breaks and lunch me will be longer , and would include my Uber eats delivery on the bill and charge two days for the job Thanks will send you invoice in advance
  3. Laptop will take longer lol galaxy RSS is rubbish Within half the day it would be done provided it's not some mad school or busy building you can't fully test depending on how detailed you want to be
  4. I still trying to work this comment in my brain .... ( It's me not you lol )
  5. If you don't unlock it and hand over to next company doesn't prove who locked it right ? You may forget it was locked
  6. You can get parts for it online easily , and it's cheap tat anyway , you can buy new kit £150 ? So how much will you pay for decent alarm that may last you? What you secure your property or what's inside it valuables or people are as good as the price you pay for the security as such
  7. But don't you take on a contract based upon a survey, based upon detection being present, and it complying to the type of service your providing and you then give them a contract based upon this , walk test it service it and means you are saying that it works according to the contract you have given them How can you then say sorry we don't guarantee anything because previous company programmed it , and we are just giving you contract based on nothing ? I must be missing something?
  8. You never had codes in first place then lol.
  9. So loop the tamper so only alarm circuits work But this all depends if you have a key holder looking after your place while your away Does the alarm notify anyone, so maybe no one will respond anyway
  10. Why not just disconnect the bell only , keep system running with internal bell Better than nothing right ?
  11. Cos they to scared to say your black , or I black , or black colours matter? Black& white and all that
  12. Dude 100% in error you have changed something on the outputs
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