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Everything posted by al-yeti

  1. You won't need the STB+ normally Although some bells like hkc and others use it and will have the extra terminal
  2. Hardcore , must be to get access to the firmware vault
  3. What card? I don't have one but have access
  4. Probably best to stick that ,and not do anything that might be conflict of interest with your employer, assuming they only do fire ?
  5. After the entry time expires it should go into alarm correct
  6. No but doctor Google seems to have lots of cures......
  7. What is your skill, Intruder ? And what does your current employer do?
  8. Is it possible they still getting done over when resetting remotely or they all have CCTV , or you get plenty FA on your installs?
  9. Sorry thought two different
  10. Is it because your comparing to the mk8?
  11. Which bells dude?
  12. You going to use a separate panel linked to the texecom? Or just use the texecom with alarm cable? I got no idea by the way just asking if that matters before experts arrive here with there fire beams
  13. Yello dude Start a topic then let's see what you got
  14. Sounds like lunatic to me, you sure he's not an alarm man? Doing painting on the side ?
  15. Ok be serious ( excuse the lingo nothing aimed at you) Sounds like nonsense , something loose inside shorted the power? What's the setup any pictures of what's inside the panel ? Have you tried powering down whole panel , disconnect mains and disconnect battery in panel and restart? Or you meant painter struck viper with brush full of water because he washing it and it went flying towards the viper Come on we ain't got all day get typing man or woman
  16. So as said above first issue is connection , and will be a problem with the port I must admit I had this at beginning when first tried it but resolved after messing around with ports
  17. Ok so what message does it give you?
  18. Can you connect to g2-12 on the bench or anything else?
  19. Hope PA button dont snap when you turn that key lol
  20. R u retiring soon? Ah you beat me to it
  21. You know these days people don't service cars either , and any car worth less than a grand most don't bother with timing belt , once it snaps throw the car away But when alarm panel snaps no one wants to pay for a new one......
  22. Not bad , atleast you need ladder to chop it , or throw axe at it
  23. Yes let's wait for the old monkies , there on stair lifts right now , as a side job of course
  24. Hardcore old ultrasonic? Or something else?
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